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Zhejiang separates permits from business license

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: January 10, 2020 L M S

East China's Zhejiang province has fully implemented its pilot reform to separate business operation permits from business licenses, local media reported on Jan 10. 

"With one visit to the administration for market regulation, I have acquired both my business license and permit to engage in the food business." 

"The one-on-one service is very efficient and my shop can open at any time," said Quan Jiajun, the first businessman to have acquired Zhejiang's business license and permits since the reform was implemented throughout the province.

According to local authorities, starting Jan 1, 2020, a total of 518 administrative procedures to obtain industrial production permits were cut or simplified to shorten the time needed to start a business.

"In the past, an applicant needed to first acquire the business certificate, prepare all the necessary documents, and pass the on-site verification to finally get the business operation permit," said a spokesperson for the provincial administration for market regulation.

He said that, from Jan 1, applicants can receive the certificate and permit in one visit by signing a letter of commitment. The reform, as well as its related service improvement, will increase enterprises' confidence and accelerate their development.

In 2020, Zhejiang has handled 2,150 administrative cases concerning the separation of certificates and licenses and served over 2,000 enterprises.

"If you're satisfied, tell your friends about our service; if you're unsatisfied, tell us directly to our faces," said the spokesperson.