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Zhejiang presses ahead with 'At Most One Visit' reform

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: January 15, 2020 L M S


People are serviced at a tax service center in Zhejiang province. [Photo/zj.zjol.com.cn]

Zhejiang province will intensify efforts to promote the "At Most One Visit" reform, according to a pledge made in the province's government work report this year at the third session of the 13th Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress on Jan 12.

"The 'At Most One Visit' reform has become one of Zhejiang's most important reforms, and we will continue working to improve it," the government report reads. 

"Since the reform was first initiated by Zhejiang in 2016, every village in Anji county, Huzhou, has set up a service office staffed by village officials," said Pan Wenge, a deputy from Anji county.

He added that villagers will no longer need to travel to high-level government offices in their towns or counties for administrative approvals.

He also urged the government to deepen the "At Most One Visit" reform, saying that many other places such as Yunnan, Chongqing, and Hubei are learning from Zhejiang and have made rapid progress.

Meanwhile, Ma Gaoxiang, superintendent of the Shaoxing Central Hospital, said that promoting the "At Most One Visit" reform in hospitals can help patients receive more efficient medical services.

In 2019, the Shaoxing Central Hospital established a comprehensive medical service center to provide one-stop services for patients and deal with all issues related to approval papers.

"We also set up a window for parents to deal with all six registration procedures required for newborns," Ma added.

He went on to say that nearly 6,000 families with newborns benefited from the reform at their hospital every year.

The government report also states that the time needed for an investment project to be approved should be shortened from 90 days to less than 80 days.

This requires us to eliminate some preliminary approval procedures, said Tian Jun, vice-mayor of Quzhou.

Tian went on to say that the reform has been promoted in places such as railway stations, where procedures had been streamlined for passengers entering the station, obtaining tickets, passing security, waiting for the train, and exiting the station.