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Zhejiang to strengthen novel coronavirus control

zhejiang| Updated: February 3, 2020 L M S

From now to Feb 8 will be a critical period for Zhejiang province in its efforts to control the novel coronavirus as many people will be returning to school or work, said Che Jun, Party chief of the province, at a news conference held by the provincial Party committee on Feb 1.

Che urged the government to strengthen efforts to control the virus by effectively blocking the infection source and treating infected patients.

Specifically, Che said, the government should strengthen body temperature checks of all people entering the province at every airport, railway station, dock and highway exit, strengthen inspections in communities and rural areas, improve transparency of virus-related information, and put the treatment of patients in a critical condition as a top priority.

Employers should contact their employees in advance and discourage confirmed and suspected cases from returning for the time being, and keep a strict daily body temperature check of returned employees.

Government departments at county, municipal and provincial levels should coordinate with each other in inspecting disease control work.

Producers of medical supplies should resume work as soon as possible, and life supplies stores should extend operating hours to ensure enough supplies for the public.