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Zhejiang urges return to operation for life supplies e-commerce and express delivery business

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: February 10, 2020 L M S

Zhejiang authorities recently launched several measures to ensure a return to normal operation for e-commerce and express delivery companies focusing on life supplies.

According to the measures, the provincial commerce department will issue a certificate for said companies, and cities will establish a white list of them, especially those providing life necessities such as vegetables and meat.

Warehouses should also return to normal operation, and logistics distribution vehicles should acquire easier access to cities and communities.

Companies are encouraged to appoint one designated expressman per community who will place goods into intelligent cabinets for residents to pick up, so as to avoid face-to-face contact.

Local authorities will help companies in cross-regional logistics distribution and strengthen inspection procedures. Those with insufficient prevention measures or high safety risks should be penalized or shut down and reported to the provincial authorities.