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Zhejiang SOEs prepare for normal operations

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: February 11, 2020 L M S

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Zhejiang province have been making vigorous efforts to get back to normal operations in recent days.

Zhejiang Provincial Airport Group held a leadership meeting Feb 10 to set out a plan for the recovery of production to achieve annual work targets while controlling the COVID-19.

The third phase of the Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport project resumed full work on the same day. A total of 1,100 workers will return to the construction site in two batches.


Workers resume work at the Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport Feb 10. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

Zhejiang Provincial State-Owned Assets Operating Co also held a meeting Feb 10 to encourage employees to fulfill their responsibilities and work to minimize the impact of the epidemic.

The company established weekly and monthly reports of major tasks, as well as daily reports of employees' health conditions.

Zhejiang Fuzhe Financial Leasing Co allowed all its employees to work at home and used video conferencing offered by DingTalk, a mobile OA platform of Alibaba, to discuss work.

The company also made a series of emergency response plans tomanage labor, work sites, dining, purchasing and other matters, and set up special rooms for body temperature measurement and temporary isolation of returned employees.


Cleaners spray disinfectant inside the offices of Zhejiang Fuzhe Financial Leasing Co. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

Zhejiang Tourism Group applied acombination of in-office and online working, and allowed employees to work shifts. It also offered online job training for workers.

As many people are returning to work, Zhejiang Transportation Group has been coordinating with government departments such as public security bureaus and health commissions to check vehicles entering expressway toll stations in Hangzhou.

By 5 pm Feb 10, 84,000 vehicles had entered expressway toll stations owned by the company, up 20.31 percent from the previous day.


Vehicles entering an expressway toll station in Hangzhou receive inspection. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

To ensure normal operations, Zhejiang Seaport Group established eight task forces for epidemic control, production recovery, supplies guarantee, construction, public opinion guidance, logistics, human resources management and discipline inspection.

Ports have been playing an important role in COVID-19 control as many medical supplies have to be transferred between ports.