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Vehicle pass facilitates travel between Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: February 17, 2020 L M S

Several neighboring districts and counties in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces recently launched a vehicle mutual recognition and pass mechanism to facilitate travel between the places during the coronavirus epidemic prevention and control period.

People in Pinghu, a county level city in Jiaxing, Jiashan county in Jiaxing, Jinshan district in Shanghai and Wujiang district in Suzhou, will be given a pass after submitting two letters of commitment, one of their own and one from their employers, to authorities of places where their workplaces are located, and after the letters are checked by the authorities.

Travelers only have to show their pass at checkpoints in these places and have their body temperature measured to enter a neighboring province. The whole process takes less than one minute.

"The pass really helps us a lot in travel and work," said Zhou Lin, assistant manager of Zhejiang Weixing Energy Co, a petrochemical company located in Pinghu near Shanghai’s Jinshan district. 

Zhou, the first person to obtain the pass, said that 35 employees of the company live in Jinshan and were previously stopped at checkpoints for complex inspections which delayed their work.

Nanxun district in Huzhou has also established a vehicle pass mechanism with Wujiang district for residents who are qualified for travel between the two places. 

Native residents in these two districts only have to show their ID cards at the checkpoint while residents who are originally from elsewhere but live permanently in these districts have to obtain a permanent resident certificate from the local security department. 

Nanxun is close to Wujiang, and more than 1,000 Wujiang residents work in Nanxun companies.