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Zhejiang strives to achieve its annual economic goals

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: February 17, 2020 L M S

The government of Zhejiang province recently issued a notice that it would be doubling down on efforts to achieve its annual economic goals despite the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

The province aims to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realize the 13th Five-Year Plan this year by ensuring that GDP grows by 6 to 6.5 percent, retail sales of consumer goods increase by 8 percent, and exports grow faster than the national average, among other items.

Faced with the challenges brought about by the novel coronavirus, Zhejiang has implemented a series of measures to fight against the virus and promote economic development.  

It began promoting a unified health QR code system throughout the province on Feb 16 to curb the spread of the virus as companies resume production.

Residents and those entering the province need to apply online and receive either a green, red, or yellow code. The colors are based on health information reported by the applicants. 

The green code is reserved for those who have little chance of having been infected, while residents with yellow and red codes must be put under quarantine for several few days and report their health information daily before they are allowed to freely travel.

The province also began to assess the risks of the novel coronavirus infection in all its counties and districts and unveiled a list of regions with different risk levels. 

To ensure the normal operation of companies, the province implemented 30 measures designed to help with goods supply, tax and fee reduction, financial support, investment and other things.

The province is also offering companies special training sessions in logistics, employment, protective supplies and industrial development.