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Great people: Delivery man is happy to run errands for others

Updated: March 18, 2020 L M S

Editor's note: Zhejiang province held its 32nd news conference on epidemic control on March 4, in which seven ordinary people were invited to share their experiences fighting the epidemic. Despite being ordinary everyday people, they have made extraordinary contributions to the province's fight against the disease.

Yao Quangang is a 41-year-old delivery man working with Meituan, China's largest online food delivery platform, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. He has been working throughout the COVID-19 epidemic and has even run errands for free.

"I had decided to work during the Spring Festival to make more money, but the outbreak of the epidemic disrupted my plan since there were few people on the street and the number of orders was shrinking," Yao said. "Most of the orders I took were for face masks, vegetables and meat. They were not profitable, but I continued to do the job as I know that the city and its people need us delivery men."

To protect his family, Yao stayed in his rental house at first and performed strict hygiene procedures. On Feb 5, he moved back home due to strict local control of rental houses.

Seeing how inconvenient it was for neighbors to buy vegetables, Yao started to run errands for them for free and put the goods in designated places to avoid contact.

Gradually, local residents started to praise him on WeChat.

"Neighbors' trust makes me feel everything I've done for them was worthwhile," he said. “At this special time, a grateful word or a small face mask they sent me made me happier than earning money."