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Governor of Zhejiang urges more efforts to promote digital governance

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: March 27, 2020 L M S

"The COVID-19 epidemic has tested the results of the government's digital transformation. All government departments should continue to make a good use of digital technologies and deepen reforms to promote digital governance," said Yuan Jiajun, governor of Zhejiang province at a dedicated conference on March 26.

Yuan said that the government will focus on preventing and controlling risks, helping companies resume operations, strengthening administrative streamlining reforms and promoting digital governance this year.

Yuan acknowledged the achievements that Zhejiang has made in applying digital technologies to enhance the efficiency of epidemic control and economic development, such as the launch of the health code system and its international versions.

He urged all departments to continue to promote the health code system, improve existing online platforms for the settlement of administrative affairs, coordinate with each other, and promote the sharing, innovative use and protection of public data.