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In Hangzhou episode 4: Hangzhou through a Belgian's lens

Hangzhoufeel| Updated: December 25, 2020 L M S

Click the video to learn more about David Lambert. [Video/Hangzhoufeel]

Belgian photographer David Lambert always carries a variety of lenses in his backpack. He has taken over 20,000 photos of Hangzhou since he moved to the city in June 2019, capturing picturesque views, bustling streets, and modern architecture.

David held two individual photo exhibitions in Hangzhou this year, with the Clown series, which featured Adam, an Austrian who played the role of the clown in the Cirque du Soleil resident show, being the most popular.

David said he has taken Adam to various places around Hangzhou, and the actor has enjoyed interacting with local residents and posing to express his feelings.

"I didn't mean to make Adam pose. He was more like a unique observer to the city which blended nicely into the surroundings. I'm just a recorder of these interesting scenes," David said.
