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Zhejiang initiates campaign to solicit suggestions on Asian Games

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: September 10, 2023 L M S

Authorities in East China's Zhejiang launched a campaign to solicit suggestions from the public on the Asian Games recently.

Citizens can provide their opinions and suggestions online regarding various aspects of the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games, including urban environmental construction, Asian Games promotion, post-event use of venues, and the brand value of the Asian Games.

The campaign is part of a broader initiative started in recent years for Zhejiang government to solicit suggestions from the public.

An app was also was also put in place earlier this year to facilitate the efforts. So far, it has received a total of 28,000 suggestions, 98.6 percent of which were ultimately implemented.

In addition, Zhejiang will encourage the public to participate extensively in major events such as the Hangzhou Asian Games and the optimization of the business environment, as well as in government's projects to improve residents' wellbeing. It will also seek advice from the public on the best way to handle the suggestions.