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Zhejiang athletes make up one-tenth of China's Asian Games delegation

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: September 15, 2023 L M S

China announced a delegation of 1,329 members, including 886 athletes, for the upcoming Hangzhou Asian Games on Tuesday.

The 19th Asian Games will take place in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province from Sept 23 to Oct 8, when 437 female and 449 male Chinese athletes will compete in 407 events in 38 disciplines.

A total of 98 athletes from Zhejiang will compete in 23 disciplines and 32 events, with 48 male athletes and 50 female athletes. The youngest athlete is 15-year-old Zhang Xinyi from the gymnastics team, while the oldest is 60-year-old Dai Jianming from the bridge team.

In all, athletes from Zhejiang account for one-tenth of China's sports delegation during the Asian Games.

Zhang Xinyi will be participating in the Asian Games for the first time.  She expressed her excitement, saying, "I look forward to performing at my best in the competition here in my hometown and striving for excellent results."

Having topped the Asian Games medal count 10 times in a row since the 1982 Games in India, the Chinese delegation is looking to extend its dominance on home turf.