Home> Scenic Spots

  • The Spectacular Qiantang River Tide

    The Spectacular Qiantang River Tide

    When Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, and Tide Watching Festival fall on the same date, this video explores what happens in the thousand-year-old town of Yan'guan, a tide-watching scenic spot.

    March 25, 2021

  • Enchanting views of Moganshan town in Deqing

    Enchanting views of Moganshan town in Deqing

    Visitors admire cherry blossoms in Fotang village, Moganshan town, Deqing county, Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province on March 20.

    March 22, 2021

  •  Fangyan scenic area in Xianju

    Fangyan scenic area in Xianju

    The Fangyan scenic area in Jianju county, East China's Zhejiang province, is famed for its steep summit that is surrounded by mists throughout the year.

    March 22, 2021

  • Potan Ancient Town in Xianju

    Potan Ancient Town in Xianju

    From the perspective of college students returning home for their summer vacation, this video sings high praise to the beautiful scenes in Potan Ancient Town in Xianju, showcasing the charm of nature and culture in Zhejiang.

    March 10, 2021

  • Dongwu, Hidden Ancient Town in Jiangnan

    Dongwu, Hidden Ancient Town in Jiangnan

    Miss Guo leads us through the tranquil Temple of Millennium, the lush Tiantong Forest Park, the well preserved Tiantong old street, as well as the special museum of preserved vegetables in the ancient town.

    February 23, 2021

  • Pan'an, Center of a Folded Map of Zhejiang

    Pan'an, Center of a Folded Map of Zhejiang

    Pan'an is known as "the ancestor of mountains and the source of rivers" in Zhejiang. Miss Guo, a key opinion leader (KOL) in global travel, shares her road trip experience to it. This beautiful place is shrouded by green plants and sparkling streams.

    February 23, 2021

  • Who's Practicing Dancing in the River with Silver?

    Who's Practicing Dancing in the River with Silver?

    The video's creator has made a large number of tide-themed photographic works since 2005. Now, they will show you a gorgeous view of the tide in this vivid work.

    February 22, 2021

  • Youbu Ancient Town

    Youbu Ancient Town

    Located in Lanxi, Youbu Ancient Town is often referred to as one of the "Top Four Millennia-Year-Old Towns in Zhejiang".

    January 12, 2021

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