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China, US eye green energy cooperation

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2022-01-07


The 13th US-China Green Energy Summit is held in Fuzhou, Fujian province on Jan 5. [Photo/chinanews.com.cn]

The 13th US-China Green Energy Summit was held in Fuzhou, Fujian province on Jan 5, attracting Nobel Prize laureates, professors and experts from China, the United States, Europe, and other countries and regions.

Held by the US-China Green Energy Council, the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, and the Energy Internet Research Institute of Tsinghua University, the summit focused on the cutting-edge innovative technologies for green energy to promote global cooperation for reaching the goal of carbon neutrality.

The summit has been held since 2008 as an influential cooperation and communication platform in the clean energy sector between China and the United States, said Wang Donghua, the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco.

China and the United States uphold common interests and cooperation in facing the challenge of climate change and promoting the transformation of clean energy as the two countries both produce and consume large amounts of energy, said Wang Qi, CEO of the US-China Green Energy Council.

In addition, Steven Chu, the 1997 Nobel Prize laureate in physics, Fraser Stoddart, the 2016 Nobel laureate in chemistry, and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Shu Yinbiao, Guo Jianbo, and Liu Jizhen gave presentations on the frontier technologies for clean energy development as well as the challenges and opportunities on the path towards carbon neutrality.

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