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Fujian enhances medical services for people's increasing needs

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2022-12-26


Fuzhou City Center Fever Clinic opens on Dec 21 in Fuzhou city, Fujian province. [Photo/Fuzhou Daily]

As COVID-19 infections surge, various optimization measures have been introduced across Fujian province to expand the capacity of fever clinics in order to facilitate fever patients to seek medical treatment and meet the needs of people for medical services.

As of Dec 20, the province has set up 1,482 fever clinics or fever rooms, including 381 fever clinics in secondary and higher-level hospitals, and 1,101 fever clinics or fever rooms in primary-level medical and health institutions.

Xiamen city's "Beautiful Xiamen Smart Health" public account has comprehensively upgraded the function of "intelligent guidance of fever clinics" to provide flow inquiry services for fever clinics and pediatric emergencies in the city.

In Jiaocheng district, Ningde city, three nucleic acid testing booths in the central urban area have been upgraded and transformed into convenient fever diagnosis and treatment service stations, providing one-stop services such as temperature measurements, consultations, and medicine for nearby residents.

At 1:30 pm on Dec 21, the Fuzhou City Center Fever Clinic in Fuzhou city officially launched trial operations, mainly providing non-emergency symptomatic diagnoses and treatment services for fever patients aged 14 to 65 who don't have any underlying diseases.

"The fever clinic is equipped with a call system, self-service machine, pharmacy, rescue room, etc., and patients can enjoy one-stop services such as diagnosis and treatment, prescriptions, and medicine," said Liu Cheng, director of the Medical Administration Department of the Fuzhou Municipal Health Commission.

Liu also said that the clinic has 50 fever rooms, with the first 10 rooms having already been opened, and the opening of the other rooms will depend on residents' needs. After all of them open, the fever clinic is expected to be able to receive 10,000 fever patients a day to meet nearby residents' medical treatment needs.

Fujian is also preparing to increase the number of drugs and medical devices for public demand. "There are four COVID-19 antigen detection reagent manufacturers in Fujian province that have a daily production capacity of 5 million servings. We will further help enterprises expand their production capacities and effectively ensure the supply of COVID-19 antigen detection reagents in Fujian province to meet the public's demand. At the same time, we will organize and carry out on-site supervision and inspection, continue to strengthen the supervision of epidemic prevention and control materials, and strengthen product quality and security," said Zheng Chun, member of the Party group of the Fujian Provincial Food and Drug Administration and director of Drug Safety.

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