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Shared belief in Mazu sea goddess reinforces cross-Straits exchanges

By Zhang Yi and Hu Meidong in Fuzhou | China Daily | Updated: 2023-02-07


A group of 20 pilgrims traveled from Taiwan to Meizhou in Fujian province to honor Mazu — a revered goddess of the sea who is worshipped on both sides of the Straits. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The shared belief in Mazu has been a starting point for people from the mainland and Taiwan to communicate, said Hsu, adding that more young people will be encouraged to join the exchanges.

He said that this year there should be more exchanges between the two sides as many more trips to the mainland are being planned.

Many cross-Straits events were also held over the weekend to celebrate the festival, including a lantern show in Mawei, a district in Fuzhou, capital of Fujian, which is close to the outlying island of Matsu governed by Taiwan authorities. Many Matsu residents took the ferry to Mawei to enjoy the show.

According to the government's work report of Fujian province this year, the closest mainland province to Taiwan will continue its efforts to become the "first home "for Taiwan residents to set down roots, by offering convenient exchanges and closer cooperation.

The province will promote cross-Straits exchanges of beliefs and customs this year, as the two sides have much in common, helping bring people closer. More effort will be made to encourage both sides to pass on traditional Chinese culture, the report said.

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