Nail-less construction technique a bridge from past to present
Thanks to decades of perseverance by traditional craftsmen, a 1,000-year-old wooden arch bridge in Ningde city, Fujian province, has managed to survive, and the skills used to make it have been adapted to modern life.
Taiwan teacher promotes rugby in Fujian
Yeh Chao-hsiang, a rugby player from Taiwan, is now a physical education teacher at a university in Fujian province. He is the first such teacher from Taiwan.
Anonymous pilot aids students in need, giving them a chance to soar
After seven years of being helped from the shadows, college student Xie Yang (alias) finally discovered the identity of his long anonymous benefactor, Qianjiang Evening News reported.
Doctoral candidate overcomes hearing loss
Zhao Youzhu, 28, a PhD candidate at Xiamen University in Fujian province, is determined to make her mark in a professional career.
I moved back to enjoy life
Zeng Xianfu returned to Changting to start a forest farm in 2017.
Eyes on the stars, teenager clinches top prize with photo
Wang Zhipu's obsession with outer space earns honors at British competition Wang Zhipu, 16, begins his voyage into space after class. Mounting a telescope on the balcony at home, the high school sophomore observes the skies, taking photos.
Gen Zer lauded for caring for father
Huang Silin, 26, appears to be a typical member of Generation Z-those born between the late 1990s and early 2000s. She talks to an earbud stuffed in her left ear and blurts out social media one-liners on the two-minute walk to her doorway.
Story of success for imagination
Chen Chuncheng, 31, born in Ningde, Fujian province, was named the winner of the 2021 Blancpain-Imaginist Literary Prize in Beijing for his collection of short stories Yewande Qianshuiting (Submarine at Night), beating four other shortlisted writers.