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  • R&D boosts innovation in Baotou high-tech zone


  • Rare earth zone develops through key projects


    Since 2022, the Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Industrial Development Zone has promoted the high-quality development of rare earth industry through the construction of major projects.

  • Industrial park in Baotou wins award at expo


    The 18th China Human Resources Service Industry Summit Forum and the eighth Asia Pacific Human Resources Development and Service Expo began in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with Baotou Human Capital Industrial Park winning the Dynamic Industrial Park Award.

  • Baotou builds cluster for high-end equipment manufacturing industry


    ​This year, the Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Industrial Development Zone has been focusing on cutting-edge science and technology, strengthening basic research on application, and expanding the implementation of major national science and technology projects.

  • Industrial park in Baotou named national model


    A national video and telephone conference for the exchange of demonstration experiences in the establishment of harmonious labor relations was recently held in Beijing. At the meeting, Baotou Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park was named "National Model Industrial Park for the Establishment of Harmonious Labor Relations".

  • Industrial park in Baotou makes State-level labor relations list


    The list of national demonstration enterprises and industrial parks for the establishment of harmonious labor relations was announced, with Baotou Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region making the list.

  • Baotou zone increases added technology value of rare earth products


    The Baotou Rare Earth High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, a State-level high-tech zone, relies on rich rare earth resources and new technologies to improve its independent innovation capability and enhance the technical added value of rare earth products.

  • Park in Baotou receives over 100 IP rights per year


    A total of 32 new intellectual property rights were granted to incubating enterprises in the Inner Mongolia Software Park in the city of Baotou in the first half of this year.

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    Rare earth zone ignites strong engine of science, technology


    The Baotou Rare Earth High-Tech Industrial Development Zone has built three characteristic parks in recent years: the Rare Earth Application Industrial Park, Hope Industrial Park and High-end Equipment Industrial Park – forming an industrial cluster focusing on rare earth, non-ferrous metals and high-end equipment manufacturing.