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  • Banner in Baotou signs 20 double-carbon projects


    The first Double-Carbon Industry Forum and the signing ceremony for the key projects of the second quarter in Darhan Muminggan Joint Banner were recently held in the banner's Low-carbon Headquarters Economic Park.

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    Baotou zone makes rare earth industry more eco-friendly


    Baotou's three-year action plan to peak carbon emissions states that large carbon emitters such as metallurgy, rare earth, and chemical industries should be encouraged to speed up the technological transformation of energy conservation and emission reduction.

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    Baotou park is home to returning entrepreneurial talent


    As a national-level demonstration base, the Inner Mongolia Overseas Returnees Pioneer Park located in the Rare Earth High-tech Industrial Development Zone has in recent years attracted a large number of talent.

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    Zero-carbon industrial park project starts in Baotou


    The groundbreaking ceremony for the Darhan Muminggan Joint Banner Zero-Carbon Park project was held in Baotou on April 17.

  • Major investment projects break ground in Baotou city


    Construction of a new photovoltaic module project with 20 gigawatts capacity and the second phase of 40 gW monocrystalline silicon production plant started in the Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Industrial Development Zone on April 6.

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    Baotou high-tech zone rises to 75th in national ranking


    The Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Industrial Development Zone is said to have put in a particularly strong performance in the latest national evaluation of high-tech zones in the country.

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    Baotou high-tech zone rated as national green industry park


    The Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Industrial Development Zone was recently selected to join the national-level "green industrial parks list" according to an announcement by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

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    Baotou city promotes premium economic development


    A total of 40 key projects were signed on Feb 8 at the opening ceremony of the Darhan Muminggan Joint Banner low-carbon headquarters economic park and at a signing ceremony for 2022 key projects.

  • Baotou HQ economy park to welcome 60 new companies


    The first batch of 60 companies have settled in the Low-Carbon Headquarters Economic Park, situated in Darhan Muminggan Joint Banner, administered by Baotou city, in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, with a welcoming ceremony held on Feb 8.