China is boosting efforts to build child-friendly and birth-friendly hospitals nationwide, with the goal of providing high-quality pediatric and maternity services while fostering a more welcoming and convenient environment for patients seeking maternal and child care.
China administered its first dose of a human papillomavirus vaccine for men in its central Hunan province on Thursday afternoon, according to the provincial center for disease control and prevention.
China will address gaps in pediatric and mental health services from 2025 to 2027, said health authorities.
Artificial intelligence-enabled medical diagnostic tools are ensuring greater accuracy in cancer screening and detection, helping doctors arrive at more precise diagnoses and enhancing treatment quality.
Mutual recognition of medical test results will be widened across the country to further improve medical services and patient experience.
Further opening-up of China's medical sector to foreign investment is expected to promote high-quality services and better meet wider public healthcare needs, experts said.
During a visit to the rehabilitation department of the Children's Hospital of the Zhejiang University School of Medicine earlier this month, a third grader identified as Pengpeng sat in front of a screen and participated in a race car "video game" — without using his hands.
Numbers show the achievements of national fitness.