China will step up its policy support to increase consumer spending and unleash the country's purchasing potential, a key force that propels the nation's economic recovery and underpins its endeavors toward modernization and prosperity, experts said.
China will step up efforts to stabilize foreign trade performance while improving the trade structure through a raft of policy measures.
Wuxi in East China's Jiangsu province recently published a program for its integration into the Shanghai metropolitan area.
Regulations on optimizing the business environment will take effect on May 1 in Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu province.
Authorities of Wuxi in East China's Jiangsu province recently rolled out measures to stabilize foreign trade and investment.
China released its first diagnosis and treatment guideline for monkeypox on June 15, making it clear that the virus can spread through close contact and droplets, but most patients can recover without special treatment.
The government will adopt more targeted measures to benefit China's foreign trade enterprises and ensure stable growth and higher quality trade, government officials said on Wednesday.
China will accelerate major foreign investment projects to attract foreign investment, a key point in the stimulus package of 33 measures unveiled by the State Council to stabilize economic growth.