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Tongzhou recruits in Southwest China to fill labor shortage


Updated: 2021-03-10

A delegation led by the human resources and social security department in the Tongzhou district of Nantong city – located in East China's Jiangsu province – reportedly visited and carried out a labor exchange program with Southwest China's Yunnan and Guizhou provinces at the end of January.

Senior officials in the district human resources market and labor service companies as well as the personnel managers of companies in Tongzhou were included in the delegation.

"The cross-provincial recruitment which lasted half a month has brought us more than 50 employees at one blow and some others will be transported to Tongzhou by chartered bus," said Liu Zhonghan, human resources manager of Jiangsu Hengke Advanced Material Co Ltd. He said he was very satisfied with the outcome of the recruitment in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.

Hengke Advanced Material is located in Wujie town, Tongzhou district. Due to the expansion of production, it is suffering a labor shortage. Currently, the company has a demand for 4,500 workers and 15,000 additional employees will be needed after the third and fourth phases of its expansion come onstream.

With abundant labor resources, the city of Xuanwei in Yunnan province will have an organized human resources exchange market in operation in May. According to an official from the Tongzhou  human resources and social security department, the district will establish a labor exchange service workstation in Xuanwei to facilitate the cross-provincial employment service if conditions permit at a  later stage.

As a leading enterprise in the die casting industry in Tongzhou, the stand of Xiongbang Die Casting Co Ltd is popular among the job seekers at the site of the jobs fair held in Xuanwei.

"Our production lines only stopped for three days during the recent Spring Festival holiday so that more than 80 percent of non-local employees stayed put," said a representative from Xiongbang Die Casting. "However, we still have a mild labor shortage because of labor flows. We have over 50 job opportunities this time, mainly in posts which require skills."

In addition to Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, the human resources and social security department of Tongzhou also visited Yuncheng – a city that actively sends labor to Tongzhou – in Shanxi province last week, to promote the organized flow of workers between the two regions.