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Geyi Art Museum holds online art exhibition

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2022-04-06


A painting by Tang Rong, former curator of Geyi Art Museum and member of Chinese Artists Association. [Photo/WeChat account: ntwgx6]

Geyi Art Museum in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, recently launched an online art exhibition on its official WeChat account, local media reported recently.

Themed on the city's fight against the pandemic, the exhibition features paintings and calligraphy works by local artists that express their confidence in Nantong's efforts to safeguard the lives of its citizens.

Founded in 1989, Geyi Art Museum is named after Wang Geyi, a master of traditional Chinese painting who donated more than 200 his own artworks and the precious pictures and paintings he had collected to the Nantong municipal government.

In addition to the exhibition, the art museum is also dedicated to promoting art education and enhancing cultural exchanges between Nantong and other cities in China and other countries.

Address: No 7 Wenfeng Road, Chongchuang district, Nantong

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