Rudong sees rapid development in offshore wind power
The offshore wind power industry in Rudong county, Nantong is experiencing rapid development.
Construction starts on new cruise liner in Haimen
Construction started on the No 2 polar cruise liner at the Haimen shipping center of China Merchants Industry Holdings Co on March 16.
Nantong urges coordinated development of home textile markets
Xu Huimin, secretary of the CPC Nantong Committee, and Wang Hui, mayor of Nantong, visited China Dearshiqiao International Home Textiles in Haimen, a county-level city in Nantong, and the Tongzhou Zhihao Home Textiles Market in Tongzhou district on March 3.
Nantong home to Asia's only mobile harbor crane producer
GENMA, the only brand of mobile harbor crane (MHC) in Asia, is produced by Nantong Rainbow Heavy Machineries Co, based in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province.
Nantong construction groups excel in building industry
The Nantong construction groups have won a total of 100 Luban Awards since 1988 and they have earned themselves the name "Iron Army".
Tertiary industry
Nantong’s service sector maintains a relatively rapid speed of development every year, playing an increasingly significant role in economic growth.
Commerce and trade distribution industry
The consumer goods market in Nantong is quite active.