Tourism flourishes in Bazhong during May Day holiday | Updated: May 09,2024
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During the 2024 May Day holiday, Bazhong, Sichuan province, saw a total of 732,400 visitors at its A-level tourist attractions, generating ticket revenue of 6.19 million yuan ($958,914.73), respectively amounting to year-on-year increases of 9.28% and 14.55%.

The 5A-level national tourist attraction of Guangwushan welcomed 25,800 visitors, earning 1.54 million yuan in ticket sales, resulting in respective growth of 5.76% and 10.24% compared with the previous year. 

The city opened 11 cultural centers and libraries, serving a total of 13,100 people.

Diverse cultural and tourism activities

This year's May Day holiday in Bazhong saw revitalization of cultural and tourism activities across the region. 

Bazhou district introduced heritage elements like iron flower craftsmanship and a fantastic night of fireworks, broadening visitors' cultural experience. The Former Headquarters of the Red Fourth Army Command launched activities such as the "Sichuan-Shaanxi-Soviet Area Coin Rubbing" experience and exhibitions on the history of Red culture, attracting many visitors to commemorate the martyrs and uphold their original intentions. Nanchuan county combined online and offline methods of hosting folk art performances, calligraphy and painting exhibitions, and a public book fair, creating a festive atmosphere. Nuoshui River Scenic Area offered special discounts like "Enter Bazhong Special Offer," "May Day Online Special Offer," and discounted tickets to Chengdu Expo Park. Tongjiang Huayue Night Scenic Area organized events like the "National Trend Parade" and the "Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Show," drawing crowds for photo opportunities.

Rural tourism gains popularity

In recent years, rural tourism has become increasingly popular among urban residents, offering a tranquil escape in nature and becoming a preferred holiday choice for many.

In Bazhou's Xiangban Childhood Countryside Complex, an area on the theme of flowers and fireworks, hosted the "Lava" Bazhong Tour during the fun and festive season, treating visitors to waterfall fireworks, lantern festivals, and the magic of volcanoes up close. Shanshuo Lake Resort introduced the May Day lake fish feast with free boat rides, while the West Chamber Memory Scenic Area organized the "Taste of West Chamber" camping and barbecue season. Jingbao Mountain, Nantianmen, held the May Day camping festival, and attractions like Tianma Mountain, Yushang Qingshan and Yuhu Long Beach created unique camping bases, attracting a steady stream of visitors seeking the joys of spring.

The May Day holiday in Bazhong offered a rich array of rural cultural and tourism activities, allowing visitors to enjoy pastoral landscapes, experience local customs, and savor delicious rural cuisine, all of which proved highly popular among tourists.

During the May Day holiday, Bazhong conducted comprehensive inspections and rectifications for all 31 A-level tourist attractions in the city, focusing on fire safety, road safety, facilities and equipment, food safety and market order. A total of 735 enforcement personnel were deployed, conducting inspections at 377 operating units.