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Media Reports
Will AI change the course for human development?
Will AI change the course for human development?
To face both AI's opportunities and risks, companies, governments, and international organizations, too, need to prepare themselves to learn and adapt to the coming wave.
Research team launches project to preserve images of Great Wall and ensure sustainable use of data
Research team launches project to preserve images of Great Wall and ensure sustainable use of data
Li Zhe, 45, guest researcher at the School of Architecture at Tianjin University, dedicates his time to preserving images of the Great Wall, a cultural relic.
China's mobile phone shipments up 19.7% in October
China's mobile phone shipments up 19.7% in October
China's mobile phone shipments climbed 19.7 percent year-on-year to over 29.16 million in October, according to the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT).
Japan scientists create world's 1st AI-generated images using brain activity
Japan scientists create world's 1st AI-generated images using brain activity
Japanese scientists have succeeded in creating the world's first mental images of objects and landscapes from human brain activity by using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, local media reported.
Top 10 global science and technology clusters in 2023
Top 10 global science and technology clusters in 2023
China's Shenzhen–Hong Kong–Guangzhou science and technology cluster grabbed second place on the Top 100 Science and Technology Clusters in 2023, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization.
World media leaders discuss AI opportunities, challenges
World media leaders discuss AI opportunities, challenges
In an era of rapid technological progress, emerging Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a key factor reshaping the media industry.
Pakistani student feels charm of AI diagnosis, TCM integration
Pakistani student feels charm of AI diagnosis, TCM integration
Over the years, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has provided an important platform, which continuously promotes TCM to the world.
Shanghai makes great strides in intelligent robot industry
Shanghai makes great strides in intelligent robot industry
Shanghai has made early and rapid progress in the development of the AI industry.
WIC committed to creating new pattern of int'l cyberspace cooperation
WIC committed to creating new pattern of int'l cyberspace cooperation
The World Internet Conference (WIC) will devote itself to creating a new pattern of international cooperation in cyberspace, Ren Xianliang, secretary-general of the WIC, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua.
China major force in responsible AI use, experts say
China major force in responsible AI use, experts say
The Global AI Governance Initiative shows China's willingness to partner with all parties to promote the responsible use of artificial intelligence and it will help build global consensus on AI governance, industry experts said.
Specialists offer peek at the future of AI
Specialists offer peek at the future of AI
At the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit on Thursday, top executives of China's biggest internet and technology companies called for accelerated efforts to develop AI infrastructure and an open AI ecosystem.
Cyberspace pledges set to narrow divide
Cyberspace pledges set to narrow divide
China's renewed commitment to take forward the building of a community with a shared future in cyberspace will propel greater global cooperation and exchanges in the internet sector and help narrow the global digital divide, analysts and industry insiders said.

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