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Weekly News丨WIC holds Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization…
Weekly News丨WIC holds Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization…
WIC holds Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization, MWC Shanghai 2023 opens.
WIC secretary-general attends 2023 MWC Shanghai
WIC secretary-general attends 2023 MWC Shanghai
Ren Xianliang, secretary-general of the World Internet Conference (WIC), attended the 2023 Mobile World Congress (MWC) Shanghai and gave a speech at a sub-forum, titled "Digital Things: Building a Digital Country," on June 28.
AI features in the next 10 years
AI features in the next 10 years
Chen Xudong, chairman and general manager of IBM Greater China Group, is talking about his expectations for the WIC Nishan Dialogue in this video.
Integration of culture and AI has promising future
Integration of culture and AI has promising future
Watch the video and hear what Fan Jianping, vice-president of Lenovo and head of Lenovo Research AI Lab, has to say about his expectations for the WIC Nishan Dialogue.
WIC "AI for Social Good" prpgramme launched in Nishan
The launch ceremony of the World Internet Conference "AI for Social Good" programme was held in Nishan, Qufu, East China's Shandong province, on June 26.
Conference launches plan to unlock AI's potential for social good
Conference launches plan to unlock AI's potential for social good
Although people have mixed feelings as the age of artificial intelligence looms large, experts and tech giants promised to unlock the enormous potential of AI to create positive social impacts at the World Internet Conference (WIC) Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization, held from June 25 to 27 in Qufu, East China's Shandong province.
Tech leaders tout China's AI advantages at conference
Tech leaders tout China's AI advantages at conference
China boasts advantages in terms of application scenarios and talent pools in artificial intelligence, reinforcing its position as a global leader in the race, heads of tech companies said on Monday.
Tang Yi: Value of data will be fully recognized
Tang Yi: Value of data will be fully recognized
During the session, Tang Yi, chairman and CEO of Yinxiang Biji, said that among the three elements of AI development – algorithm, computing power, and data - the value of data, especially proprietary data and scenario-specific data, will be fully recognized in the future.

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