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Video: Zhongguancun Forum attracts top global companies
Video: Zhongguancun Forum attracts top global companies
Attracted by the Chinese market, leading international companies such as NEC and Sanofi are taking part in the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum in Beijing and showcasing their high-end products at the exhibition.
Weekly News | Microsoft adds watermarks in AIGC……
Weekly News | Microsoft adds watermarks in AIGC……
2023 WIC information meeting held in Beijing. "Digital China Development Report 2022" released. New communication medium invented to protect information from being stolen by hackers.
WIC "AI For Good" Program Calls for Submissions
At present, a new round of technological revolution and industrial change is continuously promoting the digitalization of human society, networking, intelligent transformation and development.
China-Africa technological cooperation continues to advance
China-Africa technological cooperation continues to advance
China-Africa cooperation is currently making new progress, especially in the field of technology.
Quotes from tech biz leaders at 7th WIC
Quotes from tech biz leaders at 7th WIC
Business leaders, experts and government officials engage in an in-depth discussion on generative AI, large language models and the integration of 5G with the industrial internet at the summit on Innovation and Development of the 7th World Intelligence Congress.
ChatGPT: Smart chatbot or rogue machine power?
ChatGPT: Smart chatbot or rogue machine power?
ChatGPT adoption by commercial companies has triggered a frantic competitive scramble. Tech leaders in Silicon Valley and China are galloping full speed ahead.
Video: Explore together how tea has captivated the world
Video: Explore together how tea has captivated the world
For thousands of years, tea has been a valuable treasure shared by humanity. Today China Daily's digital journalist, Yuanxi successfully brewed gongfu tea while learning about Chinese tea art.
Brazil increases investment in technological innovation
Brazil increases investment in technological innovation
In recent years, Brazil has been increasing its investment in technological innovation.
The importance of artificial intelligence
The importance of artificial intelligence
As digital technology becomes a pioneering force in driving the global technological revolution and industrial transformation, more effort is needed to allow intelligent technology to promote the national goal of the "building of a community with a shared future for mankind".
Robots, campsites boost tourism upgrades amid China's steady recovery
Robots, campsites boost tourism upgrades amid China's steady recovery
Chinese tourists made 1.22 billion domestic trips in the first quarter of this year, and the country's tourism sector is actively developing new technologies and products to spice up the market.

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