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2002 (Nov 4-7)

Updated: 2016-10-13

THE 4th China exhibition was held November 4-7 in Zhuhai. With the indoor display area reaching 15,000sqm and 13 planes on show, the airshow yielded contracts and agreements on 20 projects valued at $3.7 billion. More than 370 exhibitors and 60,000 traders took part and $3.7 billion worth of contracts and agreements were signed. Although aerobatic performances were canceled, various technical exchange conferences and high-level seminars attracted the attention of businesspeople from around the world. 


1. One of the most important revelations at the 4th Zhuhai show was the Katzouie (KT) or “Pioneer” series of mobile solid-fuel space-launch vehicles (SLVs), produced by the Aerospace Solid-Propellant Launch Vehicle Co. Their purpose is to launch micro-satellites. The KT-1 is designed to service low-earth orbit (LEO) missions, the larger KT-2 for geosyncronous (GTO) and polar orbit missions, and the even larger KT-2A for polar orbits.

2. The Shenzhou Spacecraft Model installed at the No. 2 Exhibition Hall and its actual module were in the limelight. The main parachute of the re-entry module hung on the back wall. The spacecraft is composed of the orbital module in front, re-entry capsule in the middle, and service module at the base, which were on display at the entrance hall of China Aerospace Science & Technology Corp (CASC).

3. The FC-1 made its formal debut, drawing numerous traders and visitors. The FC-1 is an all-weather, multi-role light fighter aircraft. Equipped with advanced avionics and armed with medium-range missiles, it supposedly rivals the most advanced US F-16. 

4. The ARJ21 passenger plane, the first domestic turboprop feeder plane developed by AVIC I, was exhibited. It is reported to have set a precedent for civil aeroplane manufacturing in accord with international practice and market principals. The technical preparation and component manufacturing of all the parts as well as radar cover, nose and fuselage will be completed by the end of 2006.

5. A model of the latest 555-seat Airbus A380, the world's biggest aircraft, was shown at the opening of the show. In addition, Embraer ERJ 170 real-object and the An-74 and An-140 turbofan-powered cargo transports were showcased. 

6. Numerous visitors climbed up and down the Russian AN-124 transport plane, the biggest aircraft at show that is able to hold ten light airplanes in it, posturing for photos.


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