Nanping Municipal Elderly Service Institution (珠海市养老中心)
The Nanping Municipal Elderly Service Institution started operation on Aug 19 and will offer the first batch of 200 nursing beds this year. Residents in need are now able to apply via the hotline +86-756-5512345 or logging on to the Zhuhai "Smart" Elderly Care platform.
Zhuhai Center for Chronic Disease Control (珠海市慢性病防治中心)
Zhuhai Center for Chronic Disease Control was formed by the original Zhuhai Center for Chronic Disease Control and Zhuhai Institute of Tuberculosis Control in 2013.
Zhuhai Stomatological Hospital (珠海市口腔医院)
Zhuhai Stomatological Hospital is the sole public specialized dental hospital in the city, and primarily provides outpatient, prevention, and healthcare services.
Zhuhai Women's & Children's Hospital (珠海市妇幼保健院/珠海市妇女儿童医院)
Zhuhai Women's & Children's Hospital is a modern specialized hospital integrating medical treatment, health care, R&D, education, precautionary care, and recovery.
Zhuhai Hospital of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital (广东省人民医院珠海医院)
The Zhuhai Hospital of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital (Zhuhai Jinwan Central Hospital) opened on July 1, 2017 as a comprehensive medical institution up to Grade-III Class-A standards.
Zhuhai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine(珠海市中西医结合医院)
Zhuhai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine, also known as Second People's Hospital, is located at Gongbei Xiawan Bay, adjacent to Macao.
Hengqin Branch of Zhuhai People's Hospital (珠海市人民医院横琴医院)
The Hengqin Branch of Zhuhai People's Hospital is located on Baoxing Road in Hengqin New Area, 2.5 km (1.6 miles) from Hengqin Checkpoint.
Mediland Polyclinic (澳康健综合门诊部)
The first one of its kind sponsored by a Macao-based institution in the Chinese mainland opened in Jida on June 17, 2017.