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Transportation guide

Updated: 2016-10-15

The policy of “P+R” (park and ride) will be applied to traffic management for the 2016 Airshow China, which means that no private vehicles will be allowed to approach the Zhuhai Airshow Center in Jinwan District, the main exhibition area, from Nov 1 to 6.

Here are some tips for transportation convenience:

Tips for self-driving

Seven parking lots, two respectively in Jinwan District (Zhuhai Aviation Industrial Park R1, Dingjiawan Industrial Zone R2), Doumen District (Baijiao Village, Jintai Temple), and one at the Gaolan Port, are designated for visitors to park and then shift to a bus. Frequent shuttle buses will send visitors to the center.

Tips for public transport

Eight passenger transport routes will be open from downtown areas such as major hotels, ports, railway stations, and main business districts to the event.

Inter-city bus lines from various cities in the Pearl River Delta including Guangzhou, Zhongshan, and Jiangmen will also be provided for groups of visitors.

Nearly 600 shuttles, taxies, and airport special lines will be in service, for which specially marked air show lanes will be set aside.


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