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PLA bringing ace jets; Brit team arrives

Updated: 2016-10-24

The 3.5-generation Chengdu J-10B fighter jet of the People’s Liberation Army will be on display Nov 1-6 at the 11th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition. Although it won’t see flight during the air show, the earlier version J-10 will be flown by the August 1st Aerobatics Team of the PLA.

The J-10B reportedly has 19 tons of maximum take-off weight, a bomb load of between 6 and 8 tons, a thousand-kilometer combat radius, and flight speed reaching Mach 1.5. It is equipped with active electronically scanning phased-array radar.

Other Chinese fighters, on static display only, are the H-6K, JH-7A, KJ-500, Y-9, and Z-10K, according to the Airshow China organizing committee. 


J-10B fighter [File photo]

The main force at the show, Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) will exhibit at least 17 planes at Exhibition Hall 1, including the Y-20, Y-12F, and AG600. The focus is on defense, civilian aircraft, helicopters, general-purpose aircraft, airborne systems, and aviation know-how. The display area will join the PLA Air Force major combat equipment site and highlight large-airplane achievements, high- and mid-level unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and key military trade products. 

Dynamic demonstrations will be made by the Y-20, Y-12F, LE-500, FTC-2000 Mountain Eagle Advanced Trainer, and AG300, while the AG600 and Z-19 and other planes will remain grounded. As for UAVs, AVIC will display its Pathfinding Star and unmanned aircraft systems like the Wing-Loong I and II models, Cloud-Shadow, Nimble-Loong, and Harrier. 

RAF Red Arrows land


Pilots of RAF Red Arrows greet audiences. [Photo by Zeng Yao / Zhuhai Daily]

In other developments, 12 single-engine trainer BAE Hawks and two C-130 support planes of the Royal Air Force aerobatics team Red Arrows landed in Zhuhai on Oct 22 for their Airshow China debut.

“We are really making history today,” said David Montenegro, team leader of the Red Arrows. “We are excited to be here.”

He said the British team, known for its Diamond 9 formation, will do a myriad of dynamic maneuvering, like rolling around each other and pointing each other, according to news reports.

It was also announced on Oct 22 that Airbus A350 and Boeing 787-9 have committed to flights during Airshow China. 


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