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Pakistan Sherdils to shine with aerobatic flights

Updated: 2016-10-31

The Sherdils Aerobatic Team of the Pakistan Air Force will shine at the Airshow China 2016 from Nov 1 to 6 with four single-aircraft aerobatic performances. 

The team landed in Zhuhai on Oct 27 with three JF-17 Thunder fighters. Actually, the aircraft was jointly invested by China and Pakistan, and developed by Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) Chengdu Aircraft Industrial (Group) Co Ltd; AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Design & Research Institute; and China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC). 

The JF-17 is a multi-purpose all-weather light combat aircraft with single engine and seat, operating with the law of market economy. It is also the world’s first fourth-generation jet fighter in service applying DSI air inlet. 


JF-17 Thunder fighters land in Zhuhai. [Photo by Zhang Zhou / Zhujiang Evening Post]

The Sherdils Aerobatic Team, officially formed in August 1972, is stationed at the Pakistan Air Force Academy in Risalpur. The team used to fly the T-37 Tweety Bird and over the years has performed mostly nationally at parades, academy graduations, and airshows for foreign dignitaries, including heads of state and military officers.

At Airshow China 2010, the Pakistan Air Force started to perform aerobatic demonstrations and static display with weapons using three JF-17 Thunder fighters. 


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