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Airshow China offers hi-tech bonanza

Updated: 2016-11-01

Airshow China 2016 has opened with 11 indoor exhibition halls and an outdoor display area for aviation, aerospace products, and ground equipment. 


Flight performance 

Details about the exhibition areas follow:

Indoor exhibition

There are seven halls within the new main exhibition building covering 66,000 sq m with floor area of 79,051 sq m and interior net height of 15 m. 

Halls 1-7 (Aviation & Aerospace) sponsors, organizers, significant domestic and overseas companies, and national exhibitors 

Hall 8 (Armaments) China North Industries Group Corporation (CNIGC) and China South Industries Group Corporation (CSIGC) 

Hall 9 (Tent) civilian-military integrated technical equipment  

Hall 10 (Aero-Engines) Aeroengine Corporation of China (AECC) newly established in August 

Hall 11 (Xinxing Cathay International Group) military supplies and emergency rescue equipment 

Hall 1: Debut of flight experience pavilion 

Key exhibitor: Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) is displaying more than 160 products with the focus on defense, civilian aircraft, helicopters, general-purpose aircraft, airborne systems, and aviation know-how. The display area also joins the PLA Air Force major combat equipment site and highlights large-airplane achievements, high- and mid-level unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and key military trade products.

It is also exhibiting breakthroughs in cross-generation equipment development with the concept of the “20 Series” and serial development of third-generation aeronautic battle equipment. High-level UAV R&D and deeply integrated military/civilian achievements are also being emphasized, featuring concepts of the civil transporter series, the Modern Ark multipurpose platform series, feeder line for new-generation turboprop aircraft and large-scale civilian transporters. 


MA700 turboprop feeder liner prepped

Star exhibits: Flight-Deck conception cockpit, MA700 new-generation turboprop feeder liner, and Modern Ark multipurpose platform series. 

Highlight: AVIC adds a flight experience pavilion this year with more than 40 seats and a large screen. It can not only broadcast video to popularize the aviation development process, but also provide the fun of flight simulation. 

Tip: Spectators who wish to visit the flight experience pavilion should make an appointment at the AVIC WeChat account. 

Hall 2: Brand-new domestic electronics and information equipment 

Key exhibitor: China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC)

CETC is exhibiting a whole series of electronics and information equipment with more than 300 of the most up-to-date technical products. They include equipment and devises for serial radar, communication, electronic warfare, command centers, spaceflight test control, and large UAVs in defense, new Smart City, and aviation and aerospace exhibition areas. 

Star exhibits: CETC special aircraft, smart scenic spot with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), polytypic radar, and simulation training systems. 

Hall 3: Model displays of domestic large air buses 

Key exhibitors: Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC); exhibition groups from South Korea, the Netherlands and Italy. 

COMAC, manufacturer of domestic large air buses ARJ21 and C919, has participated in Airshow China four times. This year, it is displaying cutting-edge models of four ARJ21s and one C919 with a scale of 1:10. It also provides several multimedia interactive exhibitions as well as static display and aerobatic performances of the ARJ21-700. 

Moreover, a public performance about the development and test flights of a home-made jetliner will be given during the show. 



Star exhibits: Split models of four ARJ21s and one C919 with a plotting scale of 1:10, and the ARJ21-700. 

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