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Airshow China offers hi-tech bonanza

Updated: 2016-11-01

Hall 4: Dongfeng Mengshi off-road vehicle

Key exhibitors: Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), Dongfeng Off-road Vehicle, Boeing, New Zealand Exhibition Group.

Hall 4 is mainly for well-known aviation companies from both home and abroad, CAAC being the largest. In addition, Boeing and the New Zealand pavilion are also exhibiting in Hall 4. 

It is worth noting that Airshow China 2016 sees the return of the New Zealand pavilion after nearly a decade, with 20 exhibitors from flight training schools, aviation institutes, and Pacific Aerospace.

At the same time, domestic firm Dongfeng Off-Road Vehicle is exhibiting close to Boeing. Seven up-to-date military vehicles and one trailer are on static display, and one protected Mengshi off-road vehicle is demonstrating its capabilities through a live show.


Dongfeng off-road vehicle

Star exhibits: Seven Dongfeng Mengshi off-road vehicles and one Dongfeng Mengshi off-road trailer.

Hall 5: More than 30 American exhibitors

Key exhibitor: American Exhibition Group

Hall 5 houses almost three dozen American exhibitors including aircraft manufacturers and producers of aircraft parts. Bell Helicopter is the most familiar product on display.


Bell Helicopter

Star exhibits: Bell 505 Jet Range X and Bell 407 GXP

Hall 6: First UAV exhibition area

Key exhibitors: China Electronics Corporation (CEC) and a designated area for UAVs

China Electronics Corporation (CEC) makes its debut at Airshow China 2016 with 113 products displayed in four themed areas -- defense electronics, information safety, public security, and intelligent manufacturing. More than 90 percent of its exhibits are real objects as opposed to models, demonstrating CEC’s advanced equipment and manufacturing.

With respect to defense electronics, 79 items on display cover military communication systems, radar detection, electronic countermeasure systems and products, and key components and parts, involving full-waveband communication products, radar alert sets in air and sea fields, along with diversified forms of detection equipment for use in warfare.

As for information safety, CEC is presenting its latest domestic 64-core ARM Processor FT-2000, with introduction of a new strong force in domestic central processing units (CPU).



Star exhibits: Dashboard display, a new-generation domestic CPU and welding robot. 

Hall 7: Tiangong-2 space laboratory model

Key exhibitors: China Aerospace Science &Technology Corporation (CASC) and China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp (CASIC). 

CASC has brought 422 advanced products to demonstrate the latest scientific and technological achievements in the past two years.

In the astronautics zone, the most up-to-date products in the fields of manned spaceflights, lunar exploration, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, high-resolution earth observation, and astronautic science are on display. The most popular exhibit must be the full-scale model of the Tiangong-2 space laboratory that was launched in September. 

Some air defense missile weapon systems and defense assault vehicles are making debuts. For example, LY-80 ship-to-air missiles, WS-64 missile-launching vehicles, solar powered drones, and unmanned helicopters are on display.

CASIC is showcasing 65 military items designated for air defense, coastal defense, air-to-ground attack, unmanned combat, and responsive space system. Carrier rockets Kuaizhou KZ-1 and KZ-11 quick-response launch vehicles, FD 2000 surface-to-air long-range air defense missiles, WJ-600A/D UAV, and new-generation ground wave over the horizon radar have joined the exhibition mixture. The CM-302, a high-precision supersonic anti-ship missile, is making its appearance for the first time.


Tiangong-2 space laboratory

Star exhibits: Full-scale model of Tiangong-2 space laboratory, BeiDou Navigation Satellite, DFH-5 satellite, and CH UAV drones. 

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