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Traditional medicine sent home free (for now) in Jinwan

Updated: 2018-09-25

Zhuhai Hospital of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital (Zhuhai Jinwan Central Hospital) has begun delivering decocted traditional Chinese medicines and prepared slices of herbal drugs to patients' homes. Delivery is free for three months until Dec 21.

The Grade-III Class-A hospital, the highest level in China, is located at the junction of Jinhu and Hongyang roads in Jinwan District. 


Hospital in the foothills

Since operations commenced on July 1 last year, the center has been expanding functions. For instance, it opened the TCM department on Sept 22.

Deliveries can be requested after receiving medical treatment and confirming an address and contact information at Window 1 of the outpatient pharmacy. Medicines will then be delivered at an appointed time.

For more information, scan the QR code to follow the hospital's WeChat account. 



Medicine preparation


Decocting TCM [Photos courtesy WeChat account of Zhuhai Jinwan Central Hospital]

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