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Jinwan offers culture, boating, aviation, transparency

Updated: 2018-09-27

The ever-popular Jinwan Tourism Carnival will present folk culture performances, canoeing and kayaking, popular aviation science, and transparent factory exploration during the National Day holiday from Oct 1 to 7.

A cultural performance at Golden Beach on Oct 1 will highlight intangible cultural heritage items such as Sanzao Lion Dance, Sanzao Dragon Dance, Sanzao Crane Dance, Sanzao Folk Songs, Cantonese Operatic Songs, Sanzao Weaving, and Dingjiawan Tea Refreshments.

Family vacationers can partake in a sports meet on the same day as parents and children interact and cooperate in a series of small games.

The 4A-level By-Health Transparent Factory (汤臣倍健透明工厂) will also roll out family-friendly activities such as Nutrition & Health Exploration Parent-Child Travel, Dream Castle, and Bobo Ball. Reservations are open only to families and should be made one day in advance.


By-Health transparent factory [Photo by Zhang Zhou / Zhuhai Daily]

Meanwhile, Aviclub (爱飞客航空俱乐部) will offer an insight into aerospace mysteries on Oct 3. Proposed are an aviation-related popular science lecture, brief introduction to China’s general aviation development, and look into general-purpose plane production lines, air blasters, and flight simulators. The first 30 arrivals get free admission.

Canoeing and kayaking, as well as DIY nougat-making, will be available at waterside Sanban Village (三板村) from Oct 1 to 4. The first 20 arrivals daily will be admitted free of charge.

Make reservations by adding the WeChat account jwly0609 as a friend, and send the number in your party, contact person and cell phone number to the organizing committee. Or follow WeChat account jwwtlyj and ask for the reservation hotline, according to the Jinwan Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau.


Aviclub popular science base [Photo courtesy]


Canoeing and kayaking [Photo by Zhang Zhou / Zhuhai Daily]

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