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Fifty million tourists expected to visit Zhuhai in 2020


Updated: 2018-11-30

A Working Conference on Nov 27 showed that systematic, practical, and innovative measures are helping Zhuhai to become a National All-for-One Tourism Demonstration Zone by 2020.

By then, the number of arrivals is expected to exceed 50 million, total revenue reach 45 billion yuan ($6.5 billion), and the city continue to grow as a world tourism destination. Last year, the city greeted 40 million tourists, 34.8 million of them domestic. Tourism revenue was 36.8 billion yuan ($5.3 billion).

The Implementation Plan for all-for-one tourism was released on Aug 29. It charts a path toward Zhuhai becoming a major international coastal leisure and tourism destination by 2025.


On-water wedding unique to Nan'ao Village, Doumen District [Photo by Zeng Yao / Zhuhai Daily]

In the intervening six years, the city will have fully integrated rural, industrial, and cultural attractions and related services. Zhuhai will host more influential theme parks, international high-profile starred hotels, characteristic B&Bs, and high-end island tourism brands. And its group of boutique exhibitions, conventions, and events will have been enlarged. Tourism revenue is to reach 80 billion yuan ($11.5 billion) in 2025, based on an annual influx of more than 75 million visitors.

Under the all-for-one tourism system, the number of visitors to Zhuhai went up 18.2 percent to 31 million in the first three quarters of this year. Much of the growth resulted from a 25 percent increase of overnight visitors to 17.8 million. Total revenue was 31.4 billion yuan ($4.50 billion), a year-on-year rise of 28 percent, according to the municipal Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau.

People are attracted to Zhuhai's 40 scenic spots, seven of which are 4A-level, as well as top-level competitions and entertainment events. The top 10 tourism attractions include health-oriented hot springs, sports-leisure activities, countryside ecology, history-humanism, and local cuisine.


Hengqin Music Festival & Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) [Photo by Chen Jiazhe / Zhuhai Daily]

By-Health's nutritional transparent factory, additional island helicopter routes, and historic scenic routes have injected new vitality. Rural tourism development, already showing progress, is to be boosted with agricultural parks and farm complexes. Idyllic sightseeing belts, rural scenery, countryside cultures, and characteristic farm produce should also be highlighted, according to officials.

Looking ahead, Zhuhai will reform the tourism management system, strengthen supervision of the tourism market, improve safety, increase financial support, enhance resource protection, and cultivate talents. 



Zhuhai stands out as city with tourism for everyone

A Zhuhai delegation representing nearly 50 cultural, sports, and tourist enterprises had strong impact at the China (Guangdong) International Tourism Industry Expo 2018.


Tourism syncretized with renewal and development

Plans to make Zhuhai a National All-for-One Tourism Demonstration Zone by 2020 and an international coastal leisure and tourism destination by 2025 were approved at an executive meeting of the municipal government on Aug 8.

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