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Classics fill the air as 2018 winds to an end in Zhuhai


Updated: 2018-12-06

The Peony Pavilion (Pai Hsien-yung's Youth Edition)

A timeless romance expressing love's myriad powers will touch hearts beyond language barriers with a classic Kunqu opera performance. The Peony Pavilion masterpiece by notable playwright T'ang Hsien-tsu (Tang Xianzu) of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) is a romantic tragicomedy written in 1598. It tells of the love between the daughter of a high-ranking official and a young scholar. They overcome all difficulties and transcend life and death in a final union.

Critically acclaimed author and producer Pai Hsien-yung (Bai Xianyong), a Taiwanese writer who has been described as a "melancholy pioneer," has rounded up scholars and performers from the Chinese mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong to revive the exquisite art and created a Youth Edition of the play.

The Suzhou Kunqu Opera Theatre of Jiangsu will perform the show.


7:30 pm, Friday, Dec 14 (Chapter I: Romance in dreams)

7:30 pm, Saturday, Dec 15 (Chapter II: Man-ghost love)

2:30 pm, Sunday, Dec 16 (Chapter III: Earthly emotions)

(Each show lasts three hours)

Venue: Zhuhai Huafa & CPAA Grand Theatre

Tickets: Single show -- 680 yuan ($99) for VVIP, 480 yuan ($70) for VIP, 380 yuan ($55), 280 yuan ($41), 180 yuan ($26), 100 yuan ($15)

Package of shows -- 900 yuan ($131) (¥480*3), 800 yuan ($117) (¥380*3)

Bookings: 400-930-1218 / 0756-8338113 / 0756-8338123


Note: Children below 1.2 m (3.9 ft) will not be admitted.


The Peony Pavilion 

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