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Classics fill the air as 2018 winds to an end in Zhuhai


Updated: 2018-12-06

Swan Lake

Another great ballet composed by Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake is an immortal love story filled with magic, emotion, and beauty. The exhilarating lake scenes where swans play in perfect formation and Tchaikovsky's hauntingly beautiful score create a truly unforgettable experience.

It will be presented by the Russian State Ballet of Siberia.

Showtime: 8 pm, Sunday, Dec 30 (100 minutes)

Venue: Zhuhai Opera House

Tickets: 480 yuan ($70) for VIP, 380 yuan ($55), 280 yuan ($41), 180 yuan ($26), 100 yuan ($15)

1,100 yuan ($160) (¥480*3), 750 yuan ($109) (¥480*2)



Dancing "swan"

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