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Quality of nature exuberant in western wing of Zhuhai

Updated: 2018-12-11

Doumen District -- enchanting and breathtaking blue skies, lush mountains, and crystal-clear waters -- is being both preserved and cherished in Zhuhai's West Wing. 

Cited here are only a few of what Zhuhai offers beyond the realms of Gongbei, Jida, Old and New Xiangzhou, Tangjiawan, Nanping, and Qianshan.

Huafa Aquatic Villa Provincial Wetland Park

Natural trails through Huafa Aquatic Villa Provincial Wetland Park exude unpolluted air and display the unspoiled beauty of flora. Located where salt and fresh waters meet on the banks of the Huangyang River, the 1,000-mu (165-acre) park is home to a large tract of mangroves, water pines, and egrets among numerous species of plants and wildlife. The park is primed for sightseeing and expanding ecological knowledge as it contains a green ecological corridor and resources center. One can even see a spectacular diversity of butterflies in a themed garden.

Location: Near Huangyang River in Jing'an Town, Doumen District 斗门区井岸镇黄杨河旁

Transportation: Buses 601B, 602, 602A, K6, and get off at North Riviera 里维埃拉北站下车


Ecological corridor

Jianfeng Mt Forest Park

Adjoining the Huangyang River at its southeast bank, Jianfeng Mt Forest Park's 171 hectares (423 acres) encompass and protect mountain environments, with the highest peak being 186 m (610 ft). An ancient Endospermum Benth, a leaf-shedding tree estimated to be 500 years old, stands out among others. The provincial park is noted for hiking and overlooking the picturesque West Wing. 

Location: Urban area of Jing'an Town, Doumen District 斗门区井岸镇城区

Transportation: Buses 303, 307, 405, 502, 601b, 602a, 602, and get off at the West Jianfeng Bridge 尖峰桥西站下车


Hiking trail


500-year-old tree

Doumen Public Park

The 56,000-sq-m (13.8-acre) Doumen Public Park opened in August at the foot of Jianfeng Mt. It has a welcoming atmosphere that has attracted crowds for everything from leisure to fitness and entertainment. Its multiple functions include artistic performances on a mini stage, long-distance running on kilometers of plastic track, and fitness facilities.

Location: Urban area of Jing'an Town, Doumen District 斗门区井岸镇城区

Transportation: Buses 303, 307, 405, 502, 601b, 602a, 602, and get off at the West Jianfeng Bridge 尖峰桥西站下车


Doumen Public Park

Xidi Waterfront Corridor

The winding Xidi Waterfront Corridor has a sweeping view of the Huangyang River, which is known as the mother river of Doumen and features overwhelming greenery interspersed with bright colors. Bordering it is a large variety of natural and contrived landscapes in eight parks that encompass a riverside plaza, city garden, and vast expanse of grass. There are also outdoor playgrounds for parent-child interaction.

Location: Xidi Road, Jing'an Town, Doumen District 斗门区井岸镇西堤路

Transportation: Buses 601, 609, 503, 504, and get off at Administrative Service Center 行政服务中心站下车


Xidi Waterfront Corridor


Huge crowns shelter passersby.

Xiashan Park

Xiashan (Sunglow Hill) Park to the south of Xiashan Hill capitalizes on abundant vegetation and clear water. The park enhances viewing experiences with pavilions, ponds, and boats. It is rich in cultural atmosphere and frequently draws in groups for enjoyment of Chinese folk arts, paintings, and calligraphy. People also swim and play chess, cards, and gateball there.

Location: Urban area of Jing'an Town, Doumen District 斗门区井岸镇城区

Transportation: Buses 303, 306, 308, 405, K4, K5, 411, 502, 503, 504, 510, 601, 609, and get off at Yincheng Hotel 银城酒店站下车


Xiashan Park

Huangyang Mt

Huangyang Mt in central Doumen is regarded as the first peak in the mouth of the Pearl River. With a coverage of more than 30 km (18.6 miles), the mountain has eight well-known attractions, including green tea fields, Jintai Temple, First Stone Gate, the deep pool, and clear springs with a quaint waterfall. Jintai Temple, with its rich past, has seen an ever-increasing number of visitors. It affords natural splendor in a historical setting.

Location: Doumen Town, Doumen District 斗门区斗门镇

Transportation: Buses 402, 609, K4 and get off at Jintai Temple intersection or take Bus 411 to the Jintai Temple stop 金台寺路口站or金台寺站下车


Huangyang Mt


Jintai Temple [Photos courtesy WeChat account: dmlvyoujv]

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