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Artistic theater enclosed, bringing circus greater status


Updated: 2018-12-20

The Hengqin Theater complex at Chimelong International Ocean Tourist Resort is being expanded with a new 51,000-sq-m (12.6-acre) building that was topped on Dec 18. China Construction Steel Structure Corp has now shifted focus to completing the interior.

With floor area of 62,000 sq m (15.3 acres), the shell-shaped structure has three floors above ground and one below. It will be equipped with grandstands, a performance cistern and platform, stage foundation pit and equipment, skywalk, equipment rooms, warehouses, cages, and logistics support offices.

One of China's most distinctive performance venues, the theater will add more varied and modern features to its internationally standardized circus stages. This will help the China International Circus Festival to become a global A-list event.


Enclosure nears [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Daily]


Rendering [Photo courtesy nanfangplus]

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