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Digital map will serve as concierge for Hengqin tourists


Updated: 2018-12-21

A multi-functional digital map of Hengqin New Area was demonstrated in Hong Kong on Dec 18 to show that traveling in the area will become much more convenient.

Following a promotion of tourism in Macao, Hengqin representatives went to Hong Kong to promote the digital guide. After being formally released early next year, the service can be used based on leading Chinese apps Amap and Baidu Maps.

It has a hand-painted infographic, works well on mobile phones, and enables real-time positioning and synchronized introductions. The one-stop service allows users to check in at nearby hotels, tourist attractions, and public facilities, and to purchase admission tickets. It will also include route recommendations, virtual-reality features, and notifications on the latest events.


Digital maps demonstrated [Photo courtesy]

More than 100 guests, including representatives from the Asia Tourism Exchange Center, tourism officials, and industry leaders from both Hong Kong and Hengqin, were invited to the event.

Featured were Chimelong International Ocean Tourist Resort, a world-class leisure and entertainment site; Hengqin Novotown, a comprehensive culture and creativity zone; Xiangzhou Port Culture Block, a themed street block for tourists; and Sumlodol Hengqin Camping Town, a high-end multi-functional RV campground.

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