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Americans & Russians lead the way dancing in Hengqin


Updated: 2018-12-25

A recording-breaking 11,000 contestants from more than 20 countries and regions whirled across the floor during the 2018 China-Latin International Ballroom Dancing Championships at Hengqin International Tennis Center from Dec 21 to 23.

They included 200 domestic delegations from nearly 30 provinces, municipalities, and regions including Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Hainan, and Hunan. Dancers from Britain, the US, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Moldova, Denmark, and Poland -- countries representing the peak of international ballroom dancing -- also competed in Zhuhai. 


China-Latin Intl Ballroom Dancing Championships

Victor Fung & Anastasia Muravyova from the US and Kirill Belorukov & Polina Teleshova from Russia clinched the titles of International Open Professional Ballroom and Latin Dance respectively.

Fedor Isaev & Anna Zudilina from Russia were the champion International Open Amateur Ballroom Dancers, and Ferdinando Iannaccone & Yulia Musikhina from the US won the Latin Dance.

In addition to the four high-level groups, the championships also featured another 226 categories such as Asia-Pacific Pro & Amateur, international Teenage, Adult & Teacher-student, and Amateur Teenage. 


Having a ball

The event is sponsored by the Guangdong International Culture Exchange Center under guidance from the Guangdong Federation of Literacy & Art Circles, Hengqin New Area Administrative Committee, and Zhuhai Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau. The Guangdong Ballroom Dance Federation and Huafa Sports Operations & Management handled local requirements.


Intimate moment [Photos by Zhu Xi / Zhuhai Daily]

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