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Lovers Avenue enhancement is taken nearby Yeli Island


Updated: 2018-12-26

Renewal and broadening of the 1.2-km (nearly a mile) Lovers Avenue greenbelt from Haixia Rest Station to Yeli Island's Xinyue (New Moon) Bridge has been completed, according to Xiangzhou Zhengfang Holdings.

Brought into balance and harmony with the seaside and Zhuhai Opera House is a 24,800-sq-m (six-acre) park in Wanzaisha of Old Xiangzhou. Seedlings have planted, signs posted, damaged trees and their bamboo supports removed, puddles drained, shrubs and hedges replaced, and withered trees trimmed or taken out.


Looking north from Dongfeng Road toward the Haiyan and Xinyue bridges, Deyuefang Restaurant and Zhuhai Opera House (top right), and Tangjiawan far in background

The extended promenade features turtle shell-shaped terrain, a curving balustrade atop a new plank road, lamp-lit bikeway, and new automatic irrigation systems. The gentle gradient enables a wider horizon and uses space more efficiently, making the greenbelt an intimate part of coastal scenery.

New vegetation and nine kinds of in-season flowers further adorn the route.

Restoration of the 1.3-km section from the Xinyue Bridge to Gangkou Road (Xiangzhou Port) has now commenced.


View to the south of widely broadened park and plank road


Beautification [Photos courtesy Zhuhai Daily]

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