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Citizens say Zhuhai city government services are tops


Updated: 2019-01-07

The citizens of Zhuhai are quite satisfied with public and government services, says the 2018 Report of Surveys on Service-Oriented Government Construction in Guangdong Province.

In fact, Zhuhai is among the top three Guangdong prefecture-level cities in that category. Guangzhou and Huizhou are the other two while Zhuhai is followed by Zhaoqing and Zhongshan.

Twenty Guangdong cities scored above 80 in terms of government services, putting them at the "excellent" level. Guangzhou leads with 88.93 points.

The report was released by the Guangdong Provincial Situation Research & Study Center and Performance Appraisal Center of the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences. It is based on 28,156 questionnaires.


Exit-Entry Administration Hall of Zhuhai Public Security Bureau [File photo]

Guangdong's overall public service score is 74.63 points, 1.12 points higher than last year and the highest it has achieved in a decade. Public utilities and market services, education, and transport are the highest rated among 10 categories of public services.

The public is the most satisfied with law-based administration but sees room for improvement in administrative approval procedures.

More than 80 percent of the interviewees recognize the effectiveness of the "At Most One Visit" reform, which allows a faster and more streamlined process when dealing with governmental affairs. 

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