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Superiority in air quality maintained throughout 2018


Updated: 2019-01-17

Overall air quality in Zhuhai ranked 11th among 169 key cities nationwide in 2018, the same as in 2017, according to a report recently released by the PRC Ministry of Ecology & Environment.

Last year, the ratio of days meeting national ambient air quality standard was up to 89 percent, as 325 days were recorded with excellent or fine air quality. Both figures generally matched those of the prior year.

Monitored indexes of six pollutants all met national Grade-II Level annual averages except for ozone. The average concentration of PM2.5 dropped by 10 percent to 27 mcg per cubic meter, and that of NO2 fell by 6.3 percent to 30 mcg per cubic meter. The figures of PM10, SO2, and CO were 43 mcg, 7 mcg, and 1 mg per cubic meter, respectively, leveling off from 2017.


Clear view of Fisher Maiden and beyond [File photo]

Generally, breathability in summer is better than in other seasons. Spring in Zhuhai, for instance, is affected by meteorological and geographical factors subjecting the city to air pollution.

In 2019, the city government will intensify crackdowns on dust, non-point, and mobile pollution sources. Gas stations and storage tanks will be upgraded.

Meanwhile, those industrial enterprises unqualified for urban planning, breaching emission standards, or engaging in illegal production will be closed, urged to move, or renovated to meet requirements.


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