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Zhuhai among top 10 cities in providing public services


Updated: 2019-01-31

The 2018 Bluebook of Public Service that utilized an Internet + survey ranks Zhuhai 5th among 38 major Chinese cities in terms of delivering basic public services.

The results were recently announced at an Internet Plus seminar in Beijing. They are based on big data analysis of 15,613 online questionnaires. In individual assessment indexes, Zhuhai is 3rd in elementary education; 4th in both urban environment and culture, and sport; 7th in social security and employment; 8th in both medical treatment and health, and government service; and 9th in public security.

The bluebook lists the other top-ten cities in public services as Lhasa, Xiamen, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Yinchuan, and Fuzhou.

The Internet Plus (互联网+) seminar was held by the Academy of Marxism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Social Sciences Academic Press, and Tencent's Governmental Affairs & Public Opinion Department in Beijing. A bluebook could be an almanac, buyer's guide, or other compilation of statistics and information.


Bluebook released [Photo by Shi Xiaoli/]

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