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Bluebook depicts Zhuhai as pioneer under rule of law


Updated: 2019-04-01

Zhuhai's experiences in integrating economic and societal developments within the rule of law in the context of Reform & Opening Up are worth replicating, states the newly released Zhuhai Bluebook of Rule of Law.

The Annual Report on Rule of Law in Zhuhai (2019) was released in Beijing on March 28. It finds that, as one of China's first four special economic zones, Zhuhai has given full play to its role as a pioneer and test field of Reform & Opening Up.

The document was compiled by the Rule of Law Office of the CPC Zhuhai Municipal Committee and Institute of Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. It is the first time for China's top juristic research institution to help produce such a report for a special economic zone.


Zhuhai Bluebook of the Rule of Law [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Daily]

The book analyzes Zhuhai's legal work under the aspects of scientific legislation, law-based administration, judicial justice, economic life under the rule of law, social governance, and service to people's livelihoods.

Advice is offered on how to raise legal awareness, reform the delegation of power, streamline administration and optimize government services, enhance management and services for non-native populations, optimize the business environment, and improve grassroots governance.

It also sheds light on the city's plans and practices in legal construction while making suggestions for future development.    

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