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Foreign professionals respect how Zhuhai is growing


Updated: 2019-04-18

German, Italian, Russian and others attending the 17th Conference on International Exchange of Professionals extolled Zhuhai's environment and friendliness toward innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment during group tours on April 16.

Professor Peter Sachsenmeier of the UK is a strategist, expert in complex technology management, industrial innovator, and visionary. The Wuhan expat said it's his second visit and the beautiful environment has once again left a deep impression. Like Singapore, it has the abundant resources required for prosperity, noted Sachsenmeier. He advised developing the green economy with industries such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data.

Vadim Khomenko participated last November in the International Scientific Forum on the Belt & Road Initiative in Beijing. The vice president of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan, expressed optimism about Zhuhai's development prospects due to high sci-tech innovation in South China.

Sergey Golovin is an expert in fluid mechanics, modeling and simulation, and computational fluid dynamics. The head of the Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences cited livability and amiable residents. Meanwhile, an Italian PhD spoke highly of local urban planning and called it an epitome of China's rapid development.


Exhibition Hall of Tsinghua Science Park [Photo by Zhong Fan / Zhuhai Daily]

In all, more than 100 visiting foreign experts became acquainted with preferential policies via symposiums and tours. They traveled to Macao-Hengqin Youth Entrepreneurship Valley (Inno Valley HQ), Traditional Chinese Medicine Science & Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation Between Guangdong & Macao, Tsinghua Science Park, Southern Software Park, International Health Port, and the China-Germany Artificial Intelligence Institute.

Also explored were hi-tech enterprises Livzon Pharmaceutical Group, Advanced Fiber Resources (AFR), 4DAGE, Enpower Electric, and Rossini Watch Industry, as well as the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.


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